Friday, February 27, 2009
Three Things a Taxi Driver Should Know
As a frequent taxi user, for me there are at least three crucial things that a taxi driver should know to make the ride enjoyable and comfortable for the passengers-and I think most people would agree with me. If you work in a taxi company, or know someone inside, feel free to pass this along so they can strive to be better at customer service ^^
1. Body odor is NON TOLERABLE
Being someone who is super sensitive about smelly ket, the one thing that annoys me the most when taking a cab is when the driver is smelly! Smelly ket, small closed space, one of my worst nightmares! Yes I know they've been working all day, and perhaps they're exposed to sunlight and heat more often than not, but there is something called deodorant.. And I think it would be in the best interest of the taxi companies to give a certain budget for their drivers to buy deodorant. Or maybe this is an opportunity for Rexona to do sampling in taxi pools? Hmm.. ^^;;
2. A little less convesation please...
Personally, I like taxi drivers who speak as necessary. Asking for directions, about the passenger's convenience (Is the aircon too cold, would I need to move my seat forward, etc) and making small talks about the weather and traffic is acceptable. What I don't like is when they constantly talk to me when I have clearly shown I want some alone time, or even worse, when you're having a conversation with your friends in the taxi and they act like they're a part of the conversation. Once Mike,Michum,Pak Hamdan and I were in this taxi, and we were laughing about how Mbak Indri treats Jonah's 37.5 degree temperature as such a big deal, and the taxi driver laughed and commented, "hahaha... 37.5??". Helloo..?? Yes sure they need to be friendly, but I think there's a line between friendly and sok akrab (can't find the english term for this), and sok akrab is definitely not good.
3. Silence is golden
I think all taxi company should make it clear to their drivers that it would be best to leave the radio OFF. Because they can't possibly know what genre of music every passenger is into, right? And for some passengers, like me, listening to music/radio that you don't like can be quite irritating. For instance, this taxi driver whose cab I took a couple of days ago. He was listening to this dangdut radio,and the announcer was really annoying. I respect people's taste in music genres, but did he really have to listen to the radio when there was a passenger? And on such a loud volume? I wasn't being my aggressive self that day, because I was afraid of being rude, so instead I played passive-aggressive,turned on my iPod, and hum and sang to beat the radio ^^ it seemed to work at first, when the driver asked me for directions and I didn't hear him because of my iPod, he turned off the radio. I thought, great-it worked! But of course, I was wrong.. After I answered, he immediately turned the volume up again ^^;; so after that I got back to the passive-aggressive mode once again, hehe.
So those are my 3 most important things to ensure a comfortable taxi ride, all equally important, and all of which I hope can someday be entered to Blue Bird/any other taxi company's manual book for drivers. Amin to that!
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Thursday, February 19, 2009
When in doubt, always go for deep fried!
Today I had lunch @ Pacific Place with 3 of my friends. More often than not, whenever we have lunch @ PP, the venue would be Ta Wan. This time, Fathi, being pregnant, objected to the idea, saying chinese food contains tons of MSG, not good for the baby, hence she suggested something healthier. We went back and forth on choice of restaurants for quite some time, from Ta Wan, Din Tai Fung, Cosi, Canteen, Fish & Co, and many more, but finally decided we should go somewhere along Japanese Food route, instead of Chinese Food, or others. Lila suggested Aji-Tei, because she was a bit bored with Kiyadon, and there was a credit card promo @ Aji Tei. Being a person in love with anything Japanese, and a cheapskate looking for discounts *hehe*, I agreed. I haven't eaten @ Aji Tei before, but I thought I'll just go with a very standard menu. I mean what can go wrong with a simple chicken teriyaki, or an oyako/katsu don?
Boy.. was I wrong.
I ordered Oyako Don, and it was horrible. Horrible, I tell you. If I wasn't so hungry that I was about to faint, I would've given up on the food straight away. Everything was bland. The rice and the chicken was too dry, and whoever cooked it didn't seem to use any seasoning as I couldn't taste anything. I practically poured togarashii all over the place, well over the recommended dosage I'm sure! Fathi only ate a tiny portion of her oyako don (yes she ordered the same thing) as well, somehow I think she regretted her decision not to have MSG for lunch, haha.
Since we were all in a way disappointed, we hurried paying the bill and went straight next door to Wendy's for some "dessert snacks".. which were : waffle with cheese, chicken nuggets, frosty, and a special treat for the five-month-pregnant-Lila, 1 piece of chicken. Yes, deep fried never fails, my friends.
So, the one lesson I learned today: definitely no more Aji Tei for lunch. When in doubt, always, always, go for deep fried!
Monday, February 09, 2009
Monday Morning 8:37

A couple of days ago, I -along with the other PPGs- watched Bride Wars. The movie was entertaining, full of scenes that made us smile, or laugh. For a recent bride like me, watching this type of movie made me remembered all the stuffs that happened during the wedding preparation, not sure if Blossom and Buttercup felt the same way ;p Not to mention I'm a huge fan of Hudson and Hathaway.. So in summary, it was a good movie, and I love it ^^
As I mentioned in my previous note, 25 random things about me, and later confirmed by arma's note-15 random things about her friend, Desy Khoirunnisa Rahman- I am a total cry baby and I mostly cry during movies, any touching scene will be a tear jerker for me, and that's exactly what happened during Bride Wars. Nearing the end, when both of them were going to get married, Emma's (Hathaway's character) father showed up, and gave both the brides to be a big hug, and of course, his blessings. Now this one's a bit sentimental, because it reminded me about my late father at my wedding. So first I cried because of the scene, and then there were more tears because of my own memories.
Recently I had a discussion with one of my regional team about weddings. I said to him, to most Indonesians, there is no such thing as a dream wedding.. Because your wedding is not really the bride & groom's event, it's their PARENTS', especially the bride's parents. There is a slight chance for the bride-to-be to experience a scene like in Bride Wars, or many other Hollywood movies about weddings, where you plan your wedding from A to Z and have every right to make every decision. Starting from the date, the venue, the invitation, the invitation list, the dress, the band, the food, you name it, there's gotta be at least more than 3 things that are out of your control, because it would already be veto-ed by your parents. So I never really had a dream wedding, and it didn't matter. I tried making mine the way I pictured it to be, and then I had a huge fight with my mom (classic bridezilla vs momzilla kind of thing), so from that moment onwards, I decided to let go, and to leave most of the arrangements to my parents. I thought, if I was going to make them happy, then this wedding would be the perfect timing. As far as I'm concerned, the wedding would only be that one day, so why make such a big fuss over it? I already got the perfect groom, and the marriage is definitely more important than the wedding.. So with no remorse, I let my wedding be my parents' big bash, with one thing in mind.. To make them happy.
As it turned out, everything about my wedding, especially the akad nikah (or holy matrimony) was beautiful. Everything I had ever wanted.. Because to me, it's the akad nikah that counts. When I sat at that table, I realized that I never had a dream wedding, where my venue would be, what band will be playing, what the decoration and flower arrangement would be like.. But I do dream that one day, when I get married, I will be beside my husband to be (because some is required to stay out of sight until the ijab kabul is over), my father will be the one shaking his hand throughout the process, and all my family and close friends will be there to be our witness. And I did have all of that, and it was all that mattered. I once thought that I could settle for less, that I could sacrifice one or two of the dream's elements. But now, looking back.. I knew I couldn't have, for it was my long life dream. And I'm sure glad I didn't, as the memories are far too beautiful, and I wouldn't trade them for the world.

*and so the cry baby cried once again...^^;;*
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Saturday, February 07, 2009
Confessions of a Miss (should it be Mrs? Hmm..) Hair Drama
Those who have known me since pre-2006 will know that my hair used to be long. Not just shoulder-length long, but like.. really long. And being Miss Hair Drama (when my hair is not OK, then EVERYTHING ELSE is not OK), after every hair wash, I can't just leave my hair air-dried, I have to do something about it! And of course, I have almost every hair equipment there is to ensure the well being of my hair do. Back in the college days, my must have equipment was a kuru2 (Memor and Leni should know what this is).. if you don't , well.. it looks something like this

and then.. when I was in Sydney, the climate was somewhat different, and my best friend changed from kuru2, to a hair straightener. Bonie knows how I cant leave home before using this thing.. even during our holiday to gold coast, in all the chaos of having to wake up early before going places, I had to spare some time for my hair. Even if I had to sacrifice my sleeping time, then so be it!
I stuck by this hair straightener for quite a while.. and then after a few months working in Unilever, I was introduced to a hair curler. I was always into straight hair before, but was looking for something new, so I gave it a shot.. and I loved it! And contrary to what other people may think, it doesn't take that long! 20 mins tops. So if you've got long straight hair and you feel like trying a different look, you should def go for a hair curler! I find it the best hair kit in my long hair days. Using it made me look like I was out of the beauty salon everyday, hahaha..
But then in late 2006, I went for a radical change aka short bob. The last time my hair was that short was in1997 if I'm not mistaken ^^;; I just lost two people that year (2006, not 1997), my best friend Nimas and my grandmother.. and I felt like I needed a change. I guess at that time, I did want a change in my life, hence the new hair cut to symbolize it (Miss Hair Drama here, people!).
Now, people may think that having short hair makes your life so much easier. Well, not for me it isn't! You see, from a Miss Hair Drama's POV, there are at least two things that make your life harder when you've got short bob hair:
1. There is no excuse for bad hair days.
During my long hair days, whenever I felt my hair didn't look that good, all I needed was to crumple it all together with a hair band, and all was better (not well, just better). But there's no escape from bad hair days if your hair is short. There's nothing to crumple into a hair band! And beauty magazines' tips for bad hair days are usually not appropriate for office look.. I mean.. I can't really wear a hat/cap during my bad hair days, can I?
2. Getting the after beauty salon look? Easier during the long hair days, trust me!
Having short bob hair means you have to give it volume in order for it to look stunning and give you that I've-been-to-the-beauty-salon-look. Back then, all I had to do was curl it with curling iron and that's it. But it's not really that simple with my current hair style. I tell you. it's really hard to get that volume. I tried hair rollers, but since my hair is not really that easy to style (secara tebel dan kaku yaah...), after a while it just went back to original condition. But then I found a series of volumizing hair products, and they worked like a charm. Whoever said that all shampoos, conditioners, and hair styling products are the same is totally wrong. Wrong I tell you, for I have proved that these products really work!

The first one is Finesse BeautiFULL Volumizing Shampoo. I found it during my trip to Bandung, while browsing a supermarket called the Kiosk, @ Setiabudi. I still can't find it here in Jakarta (hiks hiks), so I'm currently in panic mode on how should I replace this when it's all finished T_T anyway... I was skeptical about this product at first, but after I tried it, I became a believer. It makes my hair a bit stiff, but it's OK.. as it made my hair easier to style. Also the clean feel is different than when I use other shampoo.. can't really explain it, but I love that feel.

Next is Toni & Guy Insights Volume Explosion Conditioner. I can't live without hair conditioner. I've been using it since I was in Junior High (when other people still question the need for it), and I'm not about to let my quest for hair volume get in the way of using conditioner. But I did have a problem with my previous conditioner, I feel that if I use it after shampooing with Finesse, the volume was gone (I tested using conditioner vs not using, yes.. I am a freak when it comes to my hair, just in case you hadn't noticed). I found this at Boots, and they were having clearance sale, so it was the perfect excuse to try it ^^ I found it complementing my shampoo, my hair didn't feel stiff, but the volume was still there (yup, you guessed it.. I did a comparison test once again). So the next week, I went back to Boots and bought the last two they had. I surely hope they will have the product back in stock again *crossing fingers*

Now.. the last one: L'oreal Professionel pli Thermo Fixing Spray. I was introduced to this product by Budi, Hira's hair stylist in Alfons. He said that just by spraying this to your hair roots, it can give you more volume and a stronger hold. I thought it worked just because he was the one blow-drying my hair.. but then I bought it and gave it a try at home, and it really worked! I used this when I was still using my previous shampoo and conditioner, and it already had some effects. Now combined with Finesse and TG Volume Explosion and of course, my hair dryer and hair rollers, it was much much easier to get the volume, which leads to the ultimate goal: The I've-been-to-the-beauty-salon-look, haha
All and all, despite everything, I do love my current bob hair. And being Miss Hair Drama, I don't mind all the effort of hair styling, and all the search in finding the right hair products.. oh, c'mon.. who am I kidding, I love doing all those things! hihihi.. And I don't know whether I'll keep this short hair forever, but for now, I think I can say that I don't have any intentions of growing my hair back to its long days in the near future.. sorry babe v(^^
Monday, February 02, 2009
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)
1. I actually like answering this kind of bulletin board. Back in the friendster days, I just looove answering the BulBoard questions. So thank you Nita and Ajeng for tagging me ^^
2. I looove Japan! Everything Japanese excites me! And I plan to use my long leave to go there again for at least a month and learn the language, kinda like what Elizabeth Gilbert did, only without the heart break and her life crisis ;p
3. I am a total cry baby. Just watching a touching movie, or a song with touching lyrics, can bring tears to my eyes
4. For things that really makes me sad, I cry silently. Not in front of everyone, especially those who need me to be strong in front of them
5. Sometimes I complain just because I feel like complaining, haha v(^^
6. I live to eat, not live to eat. I'm always excited about eating good food, and sometimes I'd rather starve than eating crappy food.
7. One of the very few dishes that I don't like are : gado-gado, ketoprak, and pecel.. all because of their nutty dressing, it makes me nauseous
8. I loooove Disney movies (those from the 2D era), especially The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, and The Lion King. I remember almost every word of the soundtracks of those movies.. "Wish I could be... part of your woooorld...."
9. I can't live without the internet, hence I thank RIM for launching Blackberry
10. I am usually the one who brings the camera when I have a get together with my friends
11. I once had 15 credit cards at the same time. I closed the cards immediately after they charge me for annual fee. Cheapskate. Haha
12. I am Team Edward all the way!
13. I believe Britney Spears and I have the same taste for perfume, as I love all the perfumes she launched.. fantasy, midnight fantasy, you name it, I love it!
14. Working in a bank stressed me out, I only lasted 4 months there!
15. I speak very fast. Too fast, perhaps ^^;;
16. I want to be Carrie Bradshaw, just so I can try on all her clothes and shoes
17. My husband thinks I'm geeky, and I totally agree with him ^-^
18. I am a proud member of MAC (Masuk Angin Club), and I have my Kwan Loong everywhere with me to prove it!
19. I correct people's grammars. I can't help it. But, in my defense, I only do it to people I'm very comfortable with.. v(^^
20. My fave wine is Moscato. Riesling's not bad either, so long as you get the right one.. *winks to Nita*
21. I mostly shower only once a day, in the mornings
22. I love buying toiletries and skin care products.. shower gel, body lotion, body scrub, shampoo, hair masks, face masks.. you name it! That's why sometimes I have trouble finishing them up as I keep buying new ones!
23. I have a fear of falling. That's why I refrain from taking the escalators at Pacific Place
24. I am recently addicted to Fro-Yo.. Sour Sally's my fave, followed by heavenly blush aka Sour Sally Perjuangan
25. I just found out that writing up 25 random things about myself was not really that easy ^^;;

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