Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day 171: Senyum Tiga Jari #365shots

August 27, 2010

Practising @ZuarAnwar's Senyum Tiga Jari with fellow Broadcastars xD

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Day 165: The Toto Philosophy #365shots

August 21, 2010
Went shopping at Toto Cosmetics - Pasar Tebet, with Tante Elsye.
When asked whether the products he sells are original, this is what he always answers
"Di Toto semua selalu asli, kalau nggak saya pasti udah tutup dari dulu. Buat saya yang penting pelanggan puas. I love you full dah!"
Now that's a good philosophy!

Posted via email from The Daily Shashin

Day 170: Who Knew Mint Leaves Can Taste So Good #365shots

August 26, 2010
Occasion: Iftar together with Laundry team at Han Gang.
My fave way of eating the kalbi? Eat it together with rice and all the seasonings + the sambal, wrapped in these mint leaves.
Mint leaves alone, not good.
Together with everything else? Awesomeness.


Posted via email from The Daily Shashin

Day 166: Candid #365shots

August 22, 2010
Alana, Naila, and Medina foto ala ala candid. Cuteness!!!
Occasion Bukber with my girls at Casa Bachir


Posted via email from The Daily Shashin

Day 165: The Toto Philosophy #365shots

August 21, 2010
Went shopping at Toto Cosmetics - Pasar Tebet, with Tante Elsye.
When asked whether the products he sells are original, this is what he always answers
"Di Toto semua selalu asli, kalau nggak saya pasti udah tutup dari dulu. Buat saya yang penting pelanggan puas. I love you full dah!"
Now that's a good philosophy!

Posted via email from The Daily Shashin

Thursday, August 19, 2010

One Step Closer To The Dream

August 18, 2010
I will mark this day as the day I was one step closer to my dream of 10 years, becoming a radio announcer :)
This is a part of MRA Broadcastar training, where all of us are given a 30mins slot at prime time, partnering with one of the announcers.
The actual talking time minus the songs, the jingles, the spots is about 2 x 5mins and we were asked to create our own topics. I chose the topic "Office Fashion Crimes", as it was really relevant to two of my fave topics : fashion and "silet" xD
So I thought my session wasnt so bad.  I love love love being in that room, talking in front of that huge mic, wearing that huge headphone (although the effect is not so good for my hair ^^;;), reading the adlibs, everything! Of course technically I could've done better, and there were lots of things I still need to improve, but at least I get to feel like I'm one step closer to the dream, and that.. is just priceless.
Below is my script. I'd like to take this opportunity for all the fashion criminals out there, especially those at the office, for giving me the inspiration to write this.
Turns out all those horrible views have a positive effect afterall.
And that is what I call #berkahramadhan. Alhamdulillah :)


Sekarang ini ngga gampang untuk survive di kantor. Biasanya yang baru-baru masuk kantor suka bertanya sama saya, gimana sih caranya biar bisa survive di kantor baru? Apakah sekedar bekerja dengan baik saja sudah cukup?

Kalau menurut saya, sebagai seorang perempuan modern masa kini, tuntutan di kantor menjadi lebih. Bukan hanya harus being good at what you do, but looking good while being good at what you do! Jadi in order to survive, kita juga harus make sure kita tidak memberikan kesempatan pada orang lain untuk mengomentari penampilan kita. Karena like it or not, penampilan itu penting karena bisa membangun certain image terhadap diri kita.

Biasanya yang paling rawan kena komentar adalah baju, dan juga soal rambut dan make up.

Jadi.. in order to survive from the nasty looks and comments, let’s countdown the biggest crimes you should never do in the office, fashion wise and hair & make up wise.

All examples are based on personal experience, I’ve seen all the examples and how the people who committed the “crime” were socially “punished”

1st Cut – Hair & Make Up

It’s not just about what you wear, tapi the whole package. Percuma bajunya keren kalau rambut dan make-up tidak mendukung.  Top 5 hair/make-up disaster yang tidak boleh terjadi pada anda di kantor adalah…

5. Kelihatan seperti baru selesai mandi dan langsung ke kantor. Menggulung rambut dengan jepit rambut besar memang berguna pada saat anda di kamar mandi, but that hairdo should stay in your bathroom and not be seen in public

4.  Salah memilih red lipstick. Red lipstick memang sedang  IN, tapi ada macam2 shade-nya dan harus dipilih yang benar2 sesuai dengan skin tone anda. Jangan sampai salah memilih, coba dulu di counter dengan seksama. Saya pernah mencoba shade yang salah, dan akhirnya malah keliatan seperti vampire yang baru selesai berburu.. jangan sampai itu terjadi pada anda kan…

3.  Eyeshadow Pelangi. Maksudnya adalah memakai semua warna pelangi di kelopak mata anda, biru, pink, hijau semua dipakai sekaligus. Kalau mau bereksperimen dengan warna, pakailah yang masih satu “keluarga”, misalnya gold dengan coklat tua dan beige.

2. Memakai bedak yang tidak sesuai warna kulit anda. Jangan salah kaprah memilih shade yang 1 atau 2 tingkat lebih terang hanya karena obsesi terlihat lebih putih. Yang ada nanti malah terlihat abu-abu lhoo..

1. Memakai hair accessories yang  berlebihan. Hair accessories memang bisa mempermanis penampilan anda, tapi hati2 dengan ukurannya. Rule of thumb: jangan memakai hair accessories yang occupy more than 30% of your scalp surface! It really distracts the view!

2nd Cut – Fashion

Nah setelah tadi kita bahas elemen pendukungnya, now on to the juice – top 5 office fashion crime that you should never commit!

Again. all examples based on personal experience, I’ve seen all of these!

5. Pilihan warna adalah hal yang penting. Jangan sampai orang mengira anda adalah  brand ambassador stabillo boss gara-gara selalu memakai baju berwarna bright stabillo colors every single day , e.g. spotlight orange, spotlight green, spotlight yellow

4. .Speaking of colors, tidak perlu menyeragamkan warna dari ujung kepala sampai ujung kaki, mulai dari atasan, tas, sepatu, sampai BB cover.  There’s a reason why the principal is called mix and match, not just match J Jadi bebas saja untuk memakai beberapa warna, asal masih terlihat manis.

3.  Jangan sampai salah memilih jenis underwear. Always be ready with a strapless bra. Mau pakai baju yang se-classy apapun akan langsung drop kalau bra strapnya kelihatan kemana-mana.. And do not wear colorful undies with lots of patterns when you’re wearing white skirt/top/pants. Pamer-pamer motif bra kayaknya cukup di jaman SMP/SMA aja ngga sih…

2. Memakai baju yang tidak sesuai dengan ukuran anda. Don’t wear size M when you’re actually a size L. Make peace with reality, pakailah baju sesuai ukuran anda –  akan kelihatan jauh lebih bagus danjuga akan terasa jauh lebih nyaman, untuk anda, dan juga untuk yang melihat anda

1.  a few centimeters makes all the difference between sexy and skanky. Make sure rok anda dalam panjang yang aman.  Apabila ragu, do the bend over test before going to office. And even if you still decide to go after the bend over test doesn’t work, make sure you don’t wear granny panties, that’s a double crime!

with @SantiBonis at @CosmopolitanFM Happy Hour

Posted via email from Popsicle Toes

Day 161: Midnight Guilty Pleasure #365shots

August 17, 2010
With The Djunaid cousins having some midnight snack at McD Pondok Indah while waiting for our uncle at the hospital.
Get well soon, Wak Nung. We're praying for you.


Posted via email from The Daily Shashin

Monday, August 16, 2010

Day 160: Fish-Eyed! #365shots

August 16,2010

Just bought a fish eye jelly lens for my BlackBerry and/or digicam and this is the result on my BB. So cute! Am excited!

Doesn't really work on my digicam, but well.. As long as it still works on my BubbleBerry!

Posted via email from The Daily Shashin

Day 154: Plain Ice Tea Never Looked So Good #365shots

August 10, 2010
Plain Ice Tea at @sinou_kaffee. I love the presentation, nice jug!

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Day 158: My First Ever Photographer "Job" #365shots

August 14, 2010
Fun experience!
Job Description : Taking pics of Sinou Kaffee Hausen's dishes to be featured in their menu
Thanking @dierabachir, @L0dy, and @aurellio for being the assistants/food stylists :D

Posted via email from The Daily Shashin

Day 156: Gamal & Audrey - The REAL YouTube Sensation #365shots

August 12, 2010
One of my fave parts from the last episode of Harmoni.
Gamal & Audrey Tapiheru performing a medley of national songs.
The media should blow up the news on these two, and not SinJo, seriously!

Posted via email from The Daily Shashin

Day 155: Diana & EOS Just Don't Go Together #365shots

August 11, 2010
Trying out a Diana fish eye lens with Cero, my EOS 1000D (Yes, I name my stuff).
Apparently those two dont go well together, you can barely see the fish eye and/or dreamy effect here. Sniff.

Posted via email from The Daily Shashin

Thursday, August 12, 2010

a slice of heaven at Sopra ristorante

a big fan of pizza?
a fan of big pizza?
Then Sopra ristorante is THE place to go.
Sopra flew their award-winning pizza chef from Italy, and boy did that really pay off!
Their selections of pizza and calzone are really, really good. Not too thin, not to thick, rich in flavor, just the right amount of cheese.. am not really good in describing the details, but trust me when I say the overall comment is DELICIOUS.
Dinner with a bunch of friends? Not to worry, their pizzas are HUGE enough to share.
The standard one is 30cm in diameter, and the family size's diameter is,
More than enough to share for 4 - 5 people.

The pasta selections are also good. I've tried the pesto, and also the aglio olio. Portion is generous, so if you want to cut down on your guilt, you can share the pasta, add a slice of pizza, and that should be enough
 I'm also a big fan of the steak! It's oh-so-juicy, even when  grilled well done!

As for the price, I'd say it's worth the taste and portion. Pastas are around 50 - 60K, and the huge Pizza (50cm) is 80-ish
So if you're a fan of Pizza, Pasta, Steak, and love to have them with a glass of wine, head down to Sopra ristorante, Pacific Place 1st Floor, just above Coffee Bean, Satisfaction guaranteed.

Posted via email from Popsicle Toes

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