Monday, February 09, 2009
Monday Morning 8:37

A couple of days ago, I -along with the other PPGs- watched Bride Wars. The movie was entertaining, full of scenes that made us smile, or laugh. For a recent bride like me, watching this type of movie made me remembered all the stuffs that happened during the wedding preparation, not sure if Blossom and Buttercup felt the same way ;p Not to mention I'm a huge fan of Hudson and Hathaway.. So in summary, it was a good movie, and I love it ^^
As I mentioned in my previous note, 25 random things about me, and later confirmed by arma's note-15 random things about her friend, Desy Khoirunnisa Rahman- I am a total cry baby and I mostly cry during movies, any touching scene will be a tear jerker for me, and that's exactly what happened during Bride Wars. Nearing the end, when both of them were going to get married, Emma's (Hathaway's character) father showed up, and gave both the brides to be a big hug, and of course, his blessings. Now this one's a bit sentimental, because it reminded me about my late father at my wedding. So first I cried because of the scene, and then there were more tears because of my own memories.
Recently I had a discussion with one of my regional team about weddings. I said to him, to most Indonesians, there is no such thing as a dream wedding.. Because your wedding is not really the bride & groom's event, it's their PARENTS', especially the bride's parents. There is a slight chance for the bride-to-be to experience a scene like in Bride Wars, or many other Hollywood movies about weddings, where you plan your wedding from A to Z and have every right to make every decision. Starting from the date, the venue, the invitation, the invitation list, the dress, the band, the food, you name it, there's gotta be at least more than 3 things that are out of your control, because it would already be veto-ed by your parents. So I never really had a dream wedding, and it didn't matter. I tried making mine the way I pictured it to be, and then I had a huge fight with my mom (classic bridezilla vs momzilla kind of thing), so from that moment onwards, I decided to let go, and to leave most of the arrangements to my parents. I thought, if I was going to make them happy, then this wedding would be the perfect timing. As far as I'm concerned, the wedding would only be that one day, so why make such a big fuss over it? I already got the perfect groom, and the marriage is definitely more important than the wedding.. So with no remorse, I let my wedding be my parents' big bash, with one thing in mind.. To make them happy.
As it turned out, everything about my wedding, especially the akad nikah (or holy matrimony) was beautiful. Everything I had ever wanted.. Because to me, it's the akad nikah that counts. When I sat at that table, I realized that I never had a dream wedding, where my venue would be, what band will be playing, what the decoration and flower arrangement would be like.. But I do dream that one day, when I get married, I will be beside my husband to be (because some is required to stay out of sight until the ijab kabul is over), my father will be the one shaking his hand throughout the process, and all my family and close friends will be there to be our witness. And I did have all of that, and it was all that mattered. I once thought that I could settle for less, that I could sacrifice one or two of the dream's elements. But now, looking back.. I knew I couldn't have, for it was my long life dream. And I'm sure glad I didn't, as the memories are far too beautiful, and I wouldn't trade them for the world.

*and so the cry baby cried once again...^^;;*
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