Saturday, February 07, 2009
Confessions of a Miss (should it be Mrs? Hmm..) Hair Drama
Those who have known me since pre-2006 will know that my hair used to be long. Not just shoulder-length long, but like.. really long. And being Miss Hair Drama (when my hair is not OK, then EVERYTHING ELSE is not OK), after every hair wash, I can't just leave my hair air-dried, I have to do something about it! And of course, I have almost every hair equipment there is to ensure the well being of my hair do. Back in the college days, my must have equipment was a kuru2 (Memor and Leni should know what this is).. if you don't , well.. it looks something like this

and then.. when I was in Sydney, the climate was somewhat different, and my best friend changed from kuru2, to a hair straightener. Bonie knows how I cant leave home before using this thing.. even during our holiday to gold coast, in all the chaos of having to wake up early before going places, I had to spare some time for my hair. Even if I had to sacrifice my sleeping time, then so be it!

I stuck by this hair straightener for quite a while.. and then after a few months working in Unilever, I was introduced to a hair curler. I was always into straight hair before, but was looking for something new, so I gave it a shot.. and I loved it! And contrary to what other people may think, it doesn't take that long! 20 mins tops. So if you've got long straight hair and you feel like trying a different look, you should def go for a hair curler! I find it the best hair kit in my long hair days. Using it made me look like I was out of the beauty salon everyday, hahaha..
But then in late 2006, I went for a radical change aka short bob. The last time my hair was that short was in1997 if I'm not mistaken ^^;; I just lost two people that year (2006, not 1997), my best friend Nimas and my grandmother.. and I felt like I needed a change. I guess at that time, I did want a change in my life, hence the new hair cut to symbolize it (Miss Hair Drama here, people!).
Now, people may think that having short hair makes your life so much easier. Well, not for me it isn't! You see, from a Miss Hair Drama's POV, there are at least two things that make your life harder when you've got short bob hair:
1. There is no excuse for bad hair days.
During my long hair days, whenever I felt my hair didn't look that good, all I needed was to crumple it all together with a hair band, and all was better (not well, just better). But there's no escape from bad hair days if your hair is short. There's nothing to crumple into a hair band! And beauty magazines' tips for bad hair days are usually not appropriate for office look.. I mean.. I can't really wear a hat/cap during my bad hair days, can I?
2. Getting the after beauty salon look? Easier during the long hair days, trust me!
Having short bob hair means you have to give it volume in order for it to look stunning and give you that I've-been-to-the-beauty-salon-look. Back then, all I had to do was curl it with curling iron and that's it. But it's not really that simple with my current hair style. I tell you. it's really hard to get that volume. I tried hair rollers, but since my hair is not really that easy to style (secara tebel dan kaku yaah...), after a while it just went back to original condition. But then I found a series of volumizing hair products, and they worked like a charm. Whoever said that all shampoos, conditioners, and hair styling products are the same is totally wrong. Wrong I tell you, for I have proved that these products really work!

The first one is Finesse BeautiFULL Volumizing Shampoo. I found it during my trip to Bandung, while browsing a supermarket called the Kiosk, @ Setiabudi. I still can't find it here in Jakarta (hiks hiks), so I'm currently in panic mode on how should I replace this when it's all finished T_T anyway... I was skeptical about this product at first, but after I tried it, I became a believer. It makes my hair a bit stiff, but it's OK.. as it made my hair easier to style. Also the clean feel is different than when I use other shampoo.. can't really explain it, but I love that feel.
Next is Toni & Guy Insights Volume Explosion Conditioner. I can't live without hair conditioner. I've been using it since I was in Junior High (when other people still question the need for it), and I'm not about to let my quest for hair volume get in the way of using conditioner. But I did have a problem with my previous conditioner, I feel that if I use it after shampooing with Finesse, the volume was gone (I tested using conditioner vs not using, yes.. I am a freak when it comes to my hair, just in case you hadn't noticed). I found this at Boots, and they were having clearance sale, so it was the perfect excuse to try it ^^ I found it complementing my shampoo, my hair didn't feel stiff, but the volume was still there (yup, you guessed it.. I did a comparison test once again). So the next week, I went back to Boots and bought the last two they had. I surely hope they will have the product back in stock again *crossing fingers*

Now.. the last one: L'oreal Professionel pli Thermo Fixing Spray. I was introduced to this product by Budi, Hira's hair stylist in Alfons. He said that just by spraying this to your hair roots, it can give you more volume and a stronger hold. I thought it worked just because he was the one blow-drying my hair.. but then I bought it and gave it a try at home, and it really worked! I used this when I was still using my previous shampoo and conditioner, and it already had some effects. Now combined with Finesse and TG Volume Explosion and of course, my hair dryer and hair rollers, it was much much easier to get the volume, which leads to the ultimate goal: The I've-been-to-the-beauty-salon-look, haha
All and all, despite everything, I do love my current bob hair. And being Miss Hair Drama, I don't mind all the effort of hair styling, and all the search in finding the right hair products.. oh, c'mon.. who am I kidding, I love doing all those things! hihihi.. And I don't know whether I'll keep this short hair forever, but for now, I think I can say that I don't have any intentions of growing my hair back to its long days in the near future.. sorry babe v(^^
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