Saturday, December 12, 2009

Season 29

I once read this statement in an article

"To me, new years do not start on January 1. It starts on my birthday"

I think that statement is about right. What better time to start a new chapter than the day you turn 1 year older?

With that in mind I always try to reflect on my life on my birthday, which I refer to as a beginning of a new "Season", like how they call it in TV series. Because as one TV brand says, your life is the most exciting channel, right? :)

So this year I'm entering Season 29, just one more year before that big Three O.When I was a kid, I always think of the age 30 as a very mature age, an age when you're supposed to already have kids, and only do lame, boring grown up stuff. And now at age 29, I can say that I'm still having a good time. I have my share of lame, boring, grown up stuff - sure, but the fun and interesting stuff is still there, Thank God.

Just like in TV series, main characters always come and go, not always present in the main setting. Yet another one of my best friends left for the US to get her MBA degree. It was a sad farewell, and just looking at the pics can bring tears to my eyes. It's weird not having Tanya around, esp since she's almost always there. It's always tough to let go of people who are important to you - but in a way, I guess it's OK cause you know you'll always stay dear to each other, even with minimum contact.

Last season brought an old character back though - another bestfriend of mine, Arma,  spent 2 months in Jakarta for a holiday. And just like that, season 27 was back, even if only for a short while.

Season 28 was a time when I make quite a lot of new close friends. Something that I always cherish, because let's face it, as you get older - making new close friends does not get any easier. So I'm thankful for the usual suspects, and also for the new team in the new category. They sure have made life a lot easier for me :)

Entering the second year of marriage life, it becomes more and more apparent that this is one of the best decisions I could have ever made :) am not into mushy stuff, so that's all you're getting from me!

Bitchiness and sarcasm still existed - a lot =P, although I feel maturity wise I am improving. There's always that other side of the coin for every unfortunate situation, and I think in my case, it has made me more mature and independent. But hey, there's always twitter to unleash the rage, and that is also one of the things I like about Season 28. I get to "meet" new friends and reunited with old friends via twitter, and it fascinates me how I'm becoming more and more intrigued and involved with their lives.

Of course a TV series is nothing without a shocking news, and last season one of the most shocking event took place. Of course I'm not going to disclose about that here, but it was truly a shock. Up until now I still dont get how one could do such a thing.Well, I guess, not everyone is nice - and all you can do is just hope that you don't learn that the hard way.

But, if there's one thing I learned from last season, it's this : "People with bad behaviours exist only to remind you not to do the same things they do"

I'll keep that in mind for Season 29.

And here's to another great season!



Posted via web from Popsicle Toes

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