Saturday, March 14, 2009

Wish List

There are a few things that I'm thinking to buy, things that I might actually don't really need.. ^^;; So I'm going to avoid Becky Bloomwood's syndrome by writing the list here-with my own justification if I have one, and then think wisely on whether I really need them or not. To the tagged people, be my Suze and tell me honestly what you think

1. Bobbi Brown's book : Make-Up Manual (from beginners to professionals)
Surely this will help me apply make up better, hence will reduce my frequency of going to the beauty salon (especially when I get invited to close friends/family's weddings).. so buying it means saving more, right? But it's in hard back and hence so expensive! T_T

2. QWERTY mobile phone
To be used for my mobex (office number). Can't stand texting using non QWERTY keypads now..  But probably something not as expensive as E71/E63 though..

3. Nintendo DS Charger
Somehow I lost mine, maybe it got misplaced or something.. but I can't find it and now I can't play my DS T_T - I think for this one it's already a necessity right..?

4. Twilight Saga
I used to want to buy the books, but they couldn't be found anywhere because of the sudden twilight craze a while back. I borrowed the books from Sashimi, and am now almost finished (am reading breaking dawn now).. but perhaps I should just buy them for my own collection, in case I want to re-read them? FYI, They're now on sale in Periplus Yogyakarta airport.. (20% off) and I'm coming back there again on the 23rd.. Hmm..

You know what, after reading this list,  2 and 4 shouldn't make the cut. 3 should be bought.. but I'm still contemplating on number 1.. Hmm..

Any other views..?

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