Saturday, November 01, 2008

Annoying Strangers

My close friends would know that I'm an easily irritated person, in other words, b*tchy. There are certain type of strangers that annoy me the most, such as those who do not understand the meaning of queueing (especially in the ladies toilet), those in the service industries but do not exactly deliver great services, and those, which I just encountered earlier today,who do not read their boarding passes thoroughly,and hence, do not sit where they are supposed to sit.

I mean, how hard can it be? Especially for domestic flights where there are only two sections of the seats! You just read your boarding pass, memorize the number and the letter of your seat, and then you look for it and sit there. If you have trouble deciding which one is A/F and which one is C/D, you look at the illustration, A/F seats have a window illustration next to the letter, so you sit there, not at the aisle seat! And vice versa!

If people get mistaken between which one is aisle/window seat, I can still tolerate it. But when the boarding pass says that it's A/B/C and people sit at the DEF section, now that's what I don't get. I mean,isn't it clear that the seats are located at different sides of the plane? Or do they think the labelling actually means the opposite?

Like today, on the flight back from Medan. My seat number was 5E., together with Hira and Mbak Indri which were seated at 5D and 5F, respectively, so that section was meant to be all ours. When we got there, there's this lady who was already sitting there, and she was chit chatting with her friend who was sitting at 6F.

Hira: Excuse me Miss, what's your seat number?

LWODRHBP (Lady Who Obviously Didn't Read Her Boarding Pass : 5

Me (inside my head) and Hira (outloud) : 5 what???

LWODRHBP and her friend. (Looking convinced): 5E

Hira : That can't be, this whole row is supposed to be our seats

LWODRHBP: But this is my seat

Hira : Pse check your boarding pass again..

LWODRHBP : (checking her boarding pass,still looking convinced) see... (Face changed).. Eeh.. It's 5B.. Hihihi .. (Like it was a cute mistake, well.. IT'S NOT!)

And then she and her friend moved. Yes, her friend was also not seating in the right seat! They were supposed to sit at 5B and 6A! Helloooo...??? And their giggling didn't make it any better either. At least not for us who were already upset because our check-in process were so slow and made so complicated (aka super ribet) by the officers.

On a good day, I can let these kind of things go.. Like during my trip back home from Japan via Hong Kong, there's this chinese girl who sat at the aisle seat when she was supposed to be seating at the window seat. It turned out that she couldn't read/write the alphabet fluently, so I'm kinda glad I didn't complain at the poor girl. But today's definitely not one of those days, and that LWODRHBP is definitely familiar with the alphabet. Hence this b*tching post.

Aahh.. Writing about things that irritate you does make you feel a lot better, doesn't it? v(^^

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