Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My New Best Friend

Meet my new best friend, Kwan Loong Medicated Oil.

You see, as much as I hate to admit it, I guess I am turning into a jompo.. With a few evidence to prove it:

1. I've always been prone to masuk angin, but lately I think I'm getting more and more easily these days.. Just a bit of a wind at night time, or a night spent with not enough sleep will lead me straight to SMAS (Severe Masuk Angin State)

2. I used to be bothered by the scent of medicated oil. Whenever I'm at a public place and someone is using medicated oil, like cap kapak, or tiger balm, I'd be all cranky and cursing.. But now?? Not only do I find the scent soothing, I am now turning into one of those people that I used to hate, because now I also use medicated oil in public! ^^;;

3. My MAFAK (Masuk Angin First Aid Kit) usually only comprises of Tolak Angin. But for the past year it has gone advanced, as I now use Tolak Angin, hot stamp (AKA Salonpas), and medicated oil. I remember Pak HERB was amazed when I (together with Hira) bought all those things after we watched Ramayana Sendratari in Jogja (which was held in open air and involved a lot of wind).. I guess he didn't think us metropolitan women would use any of the MAFAK hehe ;p

Anw, back to my new best friend: Kwan Loong Medicated Oil (KLMO). I was first introduced to it by my mother in law a couple of months ago. It seemed that I slept at the wrong side of the bed and ended up not able to turn my head because my neck hurt like hell. She gave me a bottle of KLMO and said that it's the best medicated oil.. It smells nice, it's warm but not too hot, and the best part is that after the effect wears off, it won't leave you feeling cold.. You know like how you sometimes feel after the effect of hot stamps wear off..?

So I gave it a try, and being the masuk angin prone person that I am, I fell in love instantly. It was everything my mom in law said it would be. A few weeks later I went to singapore, and I bought 4 bottles of KLMO, just in case.

Then I spread the news to MAC (Masuk Angin Club) members at the office: Pak Hamdan, Mbak Indri, and Hira. I brought a bottle to work and had them try it for themselves. Of course, they loved it as well. Mbak Indri,who took possession of that bottle because she wss sick, even almost finished it in less than a week! Hahaha.. They like it so much that when I'm off to Japan via Singapore next month, all of them asked for a bottle of KLMO as a souvenir hihihi :)

So that's the story of my new best friend ;) If any of you are heading towards jompo era, or feel that you are prone to masuk angin and should be a member of MAC, you should definitely give KLMO a try! I bet it'll turn to be your new best friend as well ;p

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