Thursday, August 21, 2008

Stop. Start. Continue.

August 20, 2008

I just got back from a 1.5 day workshop at Mega Mendung today. The workshop was about trying to find the very essence of my division at the office. The one thing that describes who we are, and differentiates us from other divisions, things like that. During the workshop we identified values and behaviours that really describe us as an individual working in the category,and in the division. I'm not gonna bore you by elaborating more,but let's just say I'm amazed how Kung Fu Panda's philosophies can be taken to so many different aspects of life,including this workshop ;p


At the end of the session, the facilitators handed out a piece of paper. The paper is divided to three coloumns: Stop, Start, and Continue. They asked us to write in each coloumn,based on all the values and behaviour we've listed down, what is it that we want to stop doing,start doing, and continue doing. He said this was a "contract" that we (and two other people sitting next to us) have to sign, and we have to do all in our power to abide to this "contract".

In my "Stop" coloumn, I wrote that I want to stop having pre-judgment. Honestly speaking, I do think that I can be quite judgmental sometimes. A part of it has something to do about being a good judge of character (I judge right most of the time :p), but the other part is strongly connected to my bitchy side ( Yes,this writer is a bitch inside, people!). I know it's not a good thing, that's why I want to try to keep an open mind about everyone, and everything.

Of course, it's never easy to walk the talk. Just now I've been bitching about a certain someone who will be a part of my life in the near future. I just heard the news.. and boy, am I unhappy to hear it! I've had some not so good experience with this person,which is why I'm not too excited about the thought of days to come with that person in the picture. But then I remembered about that "contract" that I made.. And I made another promise: today will be the only day I'll be bitching about this. Tomorrow I'm gonna start clean,no prejudice. Because I have to deal with it anyway, right? Might as well be positive about it, don't you think?

Let's just see if I manage to pull it off :)

In my "Start" coloumn, one of the things I wrote is that I want to start making every day count. There was this short speech by Robin Sharma (author of "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari) played in the workshop, and it intrigued me. The essence that I captured was a little something like these quotes:

"Days will just go by, and they will turn into years, and they will be gone before you know it."

"The little things are really the big things, and extraordinary things happen as a result of evolution, not revolution. A result of small things done consistently"

You see, I am that kind of person who always want to do something BIG. I love doing something that is apparent, visible, tangible, for everyone to see. I can't fight it, I do love that lime light :) but lately I've been feeling like I haven't been doing anything major, and it's a feeling I'm not really fond of, I tell you..

I want to make every day count,in every aspect of my life. I want to do something every day,knowing that it will accumulate to something big in the future. And I want to start acknowledging that my daily routines do matter, that they are a part of the "evolution". Or else the days will just gone by, turn into years, and I will feel like I've lived those days without any significant outcome.

"Little things are the big things"
I gotta keep reminding myself of that quote, so I don't exhaust myself feeling under achieving, that I don't do BIG things often enough.

Stop pre-judging.
Start making every day count.

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