Saturday, November 18, 2006

World Stealing Day

Almost a week ago, Ida sent me this sms:

"If today were World Stealing Day, what would you steal from me? Pse reply and send this to your friends as well, the answers could be quite amusing.. Give it a try!"

And so I did. After answering her first. What I would loove to steal from Ida, is her wit and talent in writing. Because I just love love love the way she writes. Witty, honest, and always amusing. In a way, she kinda reminds me of David Sedaris, one of my fave authors :P

I had wondered what people would answer to the sms.. and Ida was right, the answers were amusing. Some funny, some flattering, and some made me realize that maybe I've been over-established as Ms. Credit Cards.. hahaha.. xP Mbak Rima's answer was the most flattering, as she said she wanted to steal my writing style. Imagine that, the guru wants to steal my writing style.. that's just so damn cool! ^^

For the criminal mastermind award, I'd have to give it to Rendy, who plans to steal my credit card, car, and phone. When I told him he could only choose 1, this is what he said, "But Des, I need all three. I need your credit card so I can eat @ Izzi Pizza with 75% disc, your car so you can't chase me (plus I need the car to go to Izzi Pizza), and your phone so you cant call the bank and block the card". Tsktsktsk.. very well planned darling!

On another point, Tanya made me realize that I'd have to better guard my hair dryer if I were to go anywhere with her, since she plans to steal it just for the pleasure of seeing me getting freaked out not doing my hair properly (you have a Ms Hair Drama here, ladies and gentlemen!)

So, if today were still World Stealing Day, what would YOU steal from me?

I'd steal:
Niaga Visa Mini & BII

Too bad you don't have the Manhattan card.. freakin' tempting 50% offs!!!! :-) I'd steal that one too.
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