Thursday, October 19, 2006
Elevator For Two
Have you ever come accross an elevator marked with a sign: "Max 2 Persons"? A bit strange dont you think? Well, I saw one today.. at Japengo Hang Tuah (promo info:50% off with Mandiri Visa during Ramadhan) where I had dinner (which was originally planned to be a buka puasa) with geng beruang. But, as it turned out.. the elevator can still hold the four of us.. maybe the tension cut our weights into half for 10 seconds =P And the elevator had no display in it so we had no idea whether we were stuck, or were going down. Tiessa couldnt even dare to breathe in the elevator as she was so tensed.. yea right Ties, like holding your breath matters.. ^^;;
If any of you are wondering, what exactly is this geng beruang, well.. this is a group of my high school friends, we were in the same class during senior year and we sat closely to each other. Lara, my friend from another clique said that the four of us are just like teddy bears, because we were all, well.. chubby :P hence the geng beruang name. Strangely enough, we accepted the fact that we do resemble teddy bears and started referring to ourselves geng beruang. Idiots ^^;;
Anw. It was a nice dinner. As usual, Tiessa was excited because she gets to eat someplace new that's not in a shopping mall (something she rarely finds after having Raska, she said), Ida was still forced to go out with "you know who" by us, and Arma.. just her usual busy bitchy self, arriving late after a dinner meeting with her customers, hehehe =P
Miss you girls! Let's make that Ambassador lunch happen! Tiessa, kamu EO-nya yah secara paling semangat pengen nunjukkin tempat makan yang (katanya) enak di Ambas!

If any of you are wondering, what exactly is this geng beruang, well.. this is a group of my high school friends, we were in the same class during senior year and we sat closely to each other. Lara, my friend from another clique said that the four of us are just like teddy bears, because we were all, well.. chubby :P hence the geng beruang name. Strangely enough, we accepted the fact that we do resemble teddy bears and started referring to ourselves geng beruang. Idiots ^^;;
Anw. It was a nice dinner. As usual, Tiessa was excited because she gets to eat someplace new that's not in a shopping mall (something she rarely finds after having Raska, she said), Ida was still forced to go out with "you know who" by us, and Arma.. just her usual busy bitchy self, arriving late after a dinner meeting with her customers, hehehe =P
Miss you girls! Let's make that Ambassador lunch happen! Tiessa, kamu EO-nya yah secara paling semangat pengen nunjukkin tempat makan yang (katanya) enak di Ambas!

Sekali beruang, tetap beruang... ^^;;
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mbak des.. aku nampak cupu di poto itu...
hm ketemuan di ambas? huehehe tiap hari aku makan siang disitu *tapi di foodcourt murahnya of course ya...
mbak des.. aku nampak cupu di poto itu...
hm ketemuan di ambas? huehehe tiap hari aku makan siang disitu *tapi di foodcourt murahnya of course ya... baru baca blogmu lagi dessey...
secara gw sekarang cuti, klo mo makan di ambas monggo...anytime...
tadi siang gw makan di ambas ma adek guee...
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secara gw sekarang cuti, klo mo makan di ambas monggo...anytime...
tadi siang gw makan di ambas ma adek guee...
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