Friday, October 27, 2006
Suka Vs Mahir
October 26, 2006
I’m writing this in Pekalongan, during my lebaran mudik trip, where in home internet access is a luxury that is not available (one of the things about the big city I miss the most =P). Which should explain why this is a delayed entry :P
Back to the topic: Suka Vs Mahir. I came across this topic while I was reading this manga (Japanese comic, to you not familiar with term), Hanamaru’s Kitchen. It’s about this girl Hana, who looovess to cook. Being familiar with this kind of story, I assume it’s going to be about this super chef girl, and when I read the first frame, where she said “My name is Hana, and I looove to cook”, I thought to myself, I was right. But then the second frame shows her stumbling over her utensils, followed by a statement, “Tapi suka belum tentu berarti mahir” (but that doesn’t mean I’m good at it”), and I instantly smiled, knowing that this should be a funny one. I was right about that, it was indeed an entertaining manga, which ended “quite” realistically. Hana didn’t become Japan’s greatest chefs, but she got married to her partner during a cooking competition, which was (of course) a young, talented chef. And they opened a restaurant together where she became the manager. Fair enough, I’d say =P
At the same day I read the manga, I came across a similar Suka Vs Mahir situation. There was this Open House event at my grandma’s house, where there was a band playing, for entertainment. Of course the aunties and the uncles, plus all the elders wanted to see the youngsters performing on stage, for their entertainment. We were a bit shy during noon, but as time went by (and the crowd went less), we were all busy thinking of what song we should sing, because we all looove to sing, although we’re not good at it =P Too bad it seems most of the crowd also had the same Suka Vs Mahir situation, because everyone else (which were not all good singers btw >_<) seemed so eager to go on stage that we only got to sing two songs! Huuu.. penonton kecewaaaa…. Hahaha… xP
Based on our disappointment that night, we all decide that we should have a karaoke machine/dvd next year! At least we’ll have some place to express our love of singing then.. hihihihi… although I’m not sure it’ll be approved, considering all the noise we’ll make ^^;;
Well, we’ll just see. I’ll get back to you next year and give you an update on that karaoke machine, wish us luck!
Final note:
Happy Lebaran to those who celebrate it!
Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin m(_ _)m
… And Happy Holidays to all!!
I’m writing this in Pekalongan, during my lebaran mudik trip, where in home internet access is a luxury that is not available (one of the things about the big city I miss the most =P). Which should explain why this is a delayed entry :P
Back to the topic: Suka Vs Mahir. I came across this topic while I was reading this manga (Japanese comic, to you not familiar with term), Hanamaru’s Kitchen. It’s about this girl Hana, who looovess to cook. Being familiar with this kind of story, I assume it’s going to be about this super chef girl, and when I read the first frame, where she said “My name is Hana, and I looove to cook”, I thought to myself, I was right. But then the second frame shows her stumbling over her utensils, followed by a statement, “Tapi suka belum tentu berarti mahir” (but that doesn’t mean I’m good at it”), and I instantly smiled, knowing that this should be a funny one. I was right about that, it was indeed an entertaining manga, which ended “quite” realistically. Hana didn’t become Japan’s greatest chefs, but she got married to her partner during a cooking competition, which was (of course) a young, talented chef. And they opened a restaurant together where she became the manager. Fair enough, I’d say =P
At the same day I read the manga, I came across a similar Suka Vs Mahir situation. There was this Open House event at my grandma’s house, where there was a band playing, for entertainment. Of course the aunties and the uncles, plus all the elders wanted to see the youngsters performing on stage, for their entertainment. We were a bit shy during noon, but as time went by (and the crowd went less), we were all busy thinking of what song we should sing, because we all looove to sing, although we’re not good at it =P Too bad it seems most of the crowd also had the same Suka Vs Mahir situation, because everyone else (which were not all good singers btw >_<) seemed so eager to go on stage that we only got to sing two songs! Huuu.. penonton kecewaaaa…. Hahaha… xP
Based on our disappointment that night, we all decide that we should have a karaoke machine/dvd next year! At least we’ll have some place to express our love of singing then.. hihihihi… although I’m not sure it’ll be approved, considering all the noise we’ll make ^^;;
Well, we’ll just see. I’ll get back to you next year and give you an update on that karaoke machine, wish us luck!
Final note:
Happy Lebaran to those who celebrate it!
Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin m(_ _)m
… And Happy Holidays to all!!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Elevator For Two
Have you ever come accross an elevator marked with a sign: "Max 2 Persons"? A bit strange dont you think? Well, I saw one today.. at Japengo Hang Tuah (promo info:50% off with Mandiri Visa during Ramadhan) where I had dinner (which was originally planned to be a buka puasa) with geng beruang. But, as it turned out.. the elevator can still hold the four of us.. maybe the tension cut our weights into half for 10 seconds =P And the elevator had no display in it so we had no idea whether we were stuck, or were going down. Tiessa couldnt even dare to breathe in the elevator as she was so tensed.. yea right Ties, like holding your breath matters.. ^^;;
If any of you are wondering, what exactly is this geng beruang, well.. this is a group of my high school friends, we were in the same class during senior year and we sat closely to each other. Lara, my friend from another clique said that the four of us are just like teddy bears, because we were all, well.. chubby :P hence the geng beruang name. Strangely enough, we accepted the fact that we do resemble teddy bears and started referring to ourselves geng beruang. Idiots ^^;;
Anw. It was a nice dinner. As usual, Tiessa was excited because she gets to eat someplace new that's not in a shopping mall (something she rarely finds after having Raska, she said), Ida was still forced to go out with "you know who" by us, and Arma.. just her usual busy bitchy self, arriving late after a dinner meeting with her customers, hehehe =P
Miss you girls! Let's make that Ambassador lunch happen! Tiessa, kamu EO-nya yah secara paling semangat pengen nunjukkin tempat makan yang (katanya) enak di Ambas!

If any of you are wondering, what exactly is this geng beruang, well.. this is a group of my high school friends, we were in the same class during senior year and we sat closely to each other. Lara, my friend from another clique said that the four of us are just like teddy bears, because we were all, well.. chubby :P hence the geng beruang name. Strangely enough, we accepted the fact that we do resemble teddy bears and started referring to ourselves geng beruang. Idiots ^^;;
Anw. It was a nice dinner. As usual, Tiessa was excited because she gets to eat someplace new that's not in a shopping mall (something she rarely finds after having Raska, she said), Ida was still forced to go out with "you know who" by us, and Arma.. just her usual busy bitchy self, arriving late after a dinner meeting with her customers, hehehe =P
Miss you girls! Let's make that Ambassador lunch happen! Tiessa, kamu EO-nya yah secara paling semangat pengen nunjukkin tempat makan yang (katanya) enak di Ambas!

Sekali beruang, tetap beruang... ^^;;
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
sweet like chocolate
So it looks like chocolate is my theme for today. No.. I didnt get myself an LG Chocolate cell phone (Oh how I wish it were because of that.. the new flip Chocolate is just so cool!), the chocolate theme of the day was on a lighter scale, on two occasions:
1. I dyed my hair today. The exact name of the color was Copper Mahogany something, I forgot.. but the end result was this goldenish chocolate -- which I love love love.. because it was the exact color that I wanted :) I also cut my hair again. This time to prepare for growing it again.. because my previous haircut has gone terribly bad once its gone longer. My sister mocked my haircut of course, because of its similarity to Dian Sastro's (my sis is anti-trend, she's against copying anything that's all over TV and magazines), but aahh.. who cares, I once had this kind of hair cut when I was in high school anyway, so basically I'm just going retro =P
2. For the first time, I ate at "Death by Chocolate". Now I dont know if it's because of that bowl of Oniyama Jigoku I had for buka or is it purely the dish there.. but really, that kind of chocolate can very well kill somebody! It's almost too good to be true! Especially "Simply Irresistable", DBC's version of warm chocolate cake.. Bye-bye Bakerzin, step aside Blend.. we have a clear winner here on the warm choco cake category! It is a bit more expensive from Bakerzin's.. but with 30% discount from Niaga Visa Mini.. of course price is not an issue anymore.. ;)
Haven't tried Death by Chocolate? You should. It's on South Skywalk, Pondok Indah Mall. Taste all the sins of the world.. (dosa-dosa duniawi kl bahasa indo-nya), it's damn worth it!
1. I dyed my hair today. The exact name of the color was Copper Mahogany something, I forgot.. but the end result was this goldenish chocolate -- which I love love love.. because it was the exact color that I wanted :) I also cut my hair again. This time to prepare for growing it again.. because my previous haircut has gone terribly bad once its gone longer. My sister mocked my haircut of course, because of its similarity to Dian Sastro's (my sis is anti-trend, she's against copying anything that's all over TV and magazines), but aahh.. who cares, I once had this kind of hair cut when I was in high school anyway, so basically I'm just going retro =P
2. For the first time, I ate at "Death by Chocolate". Now I dont know if it's because of that bowl of Oniyama Jigoku I had for buka or is it purely the dish there.. but really, that kind of chocolate can very well kill somebody! It's almost too good to be true! Especially "Simply Irresistable", DBC's version of warm chocolate cake.. Bye-bye Bakerzin, step aside Blend.. we have a clear winner here on the warm choco cake category! It is a bit more expensive from Bakerzin's.. but with 30% discount from Niaga Visa Mini.. of course price is not an issue anymore.. ;)
Haven't tried Death by Chocolate? You should. It's on South Skywalk, Pondok Indah Mall. Taste all the sins of the world.. (dosa-dosa duniawi kl bahasa indo-nya), it's damn worth it!
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