Saturday, January 29, 2011
Day 319: Giant Lollipops #365shots
Day 326: Saturday Nite at FIP #365shots
Labels: 365shots
Day 325: Cosmo Cake #365shots
Day 324: Arrival. #365shots
Day 323: PS, Finally. #365shots
Labels: 365shots
Day 322: Heaven Must Be Missing A Shop #365shots
Day 321: Somerset #365shots
Labels: 365shots
Friday, January 21, 2011
Bump Log: Week 15 #baladabump
January 21, 2011
I read somewhere that expecting mothers should document their pregnancy so one day they could so share with their kids. I think it's actually a great idea, and bring the procrastinator that I am, here comes my first Bump Log, after 15 weeks into the pregnancy ^^;;
Today I had my 4th check-up, and Bayu was smart enough to video taped the monitor as my Ob/Gyn did the USG. I goyta say, it's really exciting to be able to see the video over and over again!
On the pregnancy itself; I'm still not cured from the stuffed nose and the occasional coughs. Went to the ENT and the doctor found nothing wrong. His conclusion: it's the pregnancy hormones. Well.. I Guess there's nothing I can do but drink lots of water and fruit juice, and try to get more rest then ^^;; Am also doing some physiotherapy sessions as suggested by my ENT doctor, and I've been using a nebulizer at home. Hopefully those treatments will help me get through this. I've heard of some people who keeps experiencing these things during the whole pregnanvy. I sure hope I won't be one of them
Back pain's also getting worse. There are times when I even have trouble sleeping (trust me, falling asleep has never been a problem for me!) because of the back pain. The Ob/Gyn wants to give it a few more weeks before deciding to send me to physiotherapy sessions. Am thinking to try some mom-to-be massage sessions in the next few weeks. Crossing fingers they would relieve the pain a bit
This may sound corny, and something people would least expect coming from me, but seeing these two videos make the pain disappear in an instant.
Looks like this gerwani is starting to soften afterall :)
Labels: Bump Log, pregnancy, USG, Week 15
Day 318: Week 15, Alive & Kicking #365shots
Day 317: Unity in Diversity #365shots
This is me with my team members. A multi-cultural team, yes? Aaand.. We see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil!
Day 316: The Drama Ends Here #365shots
Finally, the end of the photojojo drama!
Thank you @hannafaridl! Shall we do it again soon? ;P
Day 315: "THE" Birthday #365shots
For the bday celebration of Mbak Deby, our soon to be former VP, the team wore matching shirts and made a performance for her. It was fun! The other categories thought it was disgusting, but they're just jealous they didnt think of this, mwahahahaha!
Labels: 365shots
Day 313: New Addition #365shots
Rafi welcoming a new addition to his little family, as we also welcomed one more baby to the big family ;)
Labels: 365shots
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Day 291: Merry Christmas from @photojojo #365shots

Labels: 365shots, Photo Shizz, photojojo
Day 311: Jewelry, IDR, & Pencil #tedaksiten #365shots
Attending my first ever Tedak Siten. Yang dipilih Aizka: Gelang emas, uang 100ribu, dan pensil.
Congratulations Aizka, sekarang udah boleh main di lantai!
Labels: 365shots, aizka, Indonesia, Jawa, Tedak Siten
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Day 312: The Gift(s) #365shots
Thank you so much @hiratriadi, @tfadilm, & @Aurellio for the birthday gifts! XOXO!
Labels: 365shots, Gifts, season 30
Day 310: Today's Fortune #365shots
Labels: 365shots, Fortune Cookie
Day 308: FAIL #365shots
No cable TV, no internet. Major FAIL, First Media!
Labels: 365shots, Fail, First Mefia
Day 304: Good Taste, Great Team #365shots
Had a good afternoon break with the team :) Lumayan juga patungan rame2 dapet Pizza 2 loyang dan Chicken Wings 2 porsi v(^^
Labels: 365shots
Day 303: Nasib Telah Berubah #MLP #365shots
Finally watched Musikal Laskar Pelangi after experiencing quite a drama in getting the tickets ^^;;
Good show! I was awed by the songs, the vocals of the casts, the details of the set, great work indeed!
Thank you @thadisa for helping @mrshandsumH & I getting the tickets on such a short notice!
PS: we weren't allowed to take pics, so this was taken at the end of the show, during the encore
Labels: 365shots, Musikal Laskar Pelangi
Day 300: Finally Giving Up #365shots
After all these years surviving not having a BCA account, now the time has come for me to make one *sigh*
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
Day 301: Hello There, Dinara Adeninna Nuhan! #365shots
Congratulations to proud parents @fathira & @nuhan8 on their new baby girl!
Labels: 365shots, babies, Baby Dinar, Cuteness
Sunday, January 02, 2011
Day 297: NYE, Inspired by Masterchef US #365shots
Celebrating NYE with non-baked Blueberry Cheesecake. As Gordon Ramsay would say, this is INCREDIBLE!
Labels: 365shots, Cheesecake, Masterchef US
Day 295: Go Garudas! #365shots
The Bachirs getting ready to support The Garudas in The Final of AFF!
Labels: 365shots, AFF, Garuda, The Bachirs, TimNas Indonesia
Day 298: Almost ABG #365shots
Day 299: An Afternoon at @Sabang16 #365shots
Stopped by at @Sabang16 for some Kaya Toast after my broadcasting hours. I like how they toast the thick bread, but the jam's a bit too sweet for me. Plus, I'm missing that salty buttery taste I've always loved when eating kaya toast.
The place is nice though, I like the how the atmosphere feels so cozy and warm. I'd love to hang out there some more :)
Labels: 365shots, Kaya Toast, Sabang16
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