Sunday, November 28, 2010
Day 263: Aizka and Manny, Reunited #365shots
Day 262: Talk About Thematic #365shots
The hangers at Sinou's restroom. Talk about thematic decorations, huh? Sinou
Day 261: Ruth Sahanaya's Not-So-Sparkling Silver Anniversary Concert #365shots
I must say I was rather disappointed with the concert. It was alright, not bad, but I was expecting awesomeness. Too bad :(
Day 258: Ovomaltines #365shots
Ovaltine + Malt in one chocolate bar. Perfection.
Day 255: Irresistible Ira #365shots
Farewell/Good Luck Party for my ex boss, Mbak Ira. This is the "grand monument", a backdrop with her pic on it, made from lots of pics of her and the team.
In the pic, from L-R, me - IRA - @hiratriadi. The missing one is @fiezya, sniff.
Labels: 365shots, IRA, office, skin team, work
Day 253: Found It! #365shots
Found what everybody's been looking for at KemChick PP and tweeted about it straight away. I can only hope that the tweet helped a few craving souls..
Sunday, November 21, 2010
The Fabulous Ira Noviarti
Mbak Ira recently got promoted as VP of Ice Cream Division, after being Marketing Manager of Skin Care Category for 5 years, and so as a part of her farewell/good luck gift, the current Skin Team asked me, and other former skin team members, to write a testimonial for her. They asked to keep it short, so I did. This, however, is the extended version :)
Mbak Ira is more than just a boss, or a leader, she is a role model in so many ways. I think what I admire the most about her is the way she always puts people first before business, and how she's always sincere in doing so.
What we all love about mbak Ira is her clear directions, and the way she always got our backs. She's always there for all of us, like a mother to her children, which is why we often refer to her as "ibunya". LOL.
And she's not just super smart, but she's also super stylish. There isn't one day that she doesn't dress up, seriously! With all her branded bags, branded shoes, red lipstick of any shade (she can pull off any kind of red shade!), she inspired all of us skin chicks to dress up as well, otherwise she'd make a comment on how we should take better care of our looks, haha!
But Mbak Ira, no matter how smart & stylish, is still a teenager inside. She loooves Edward Cullen (yes, Edward Cullen, not Robert Pattinson), watched Twilight 10 times, made a picture of him her desktop wallpaper, and she even cut his pics out of magazines and sticked them in her notebook! In a way, it's good to know she still has that bit of alay-ish side, makes her human despite all her "super powers".
Last Friday all of us held a good luck party for her at Kemang Icon. It was heartwarming to see everyone there wishing her good luck and saying all those wonderful things about her, which we all knew were sincere and totally from the heart. I guess her principal, which she highlighted at the end of her speech, really came true, "I just believe that as long as we're sincerely good to people, then the goodness will come back to us"
Not only do I wish her all the best in her new role, but I also really wish that she will continue making appearances in this so called TV series called "My Life", because to me, she really is more than just a boss, a leader, a role model.. She's family :)
Labels: IRA, office, skin team, ULI
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Day 252: ONROP! #365shots
Watched ONROP! Musikal with @armadhini @sashasunu @a_haekal & @listyabonjep
This pic was taken during the finale, too bad taking pics was not allowed during the show, had to settle for just shots from my BB :(
Nevertheless, it was one hell of a show! Kudos to @jokoanwar and the whole team!
Day 243: Baby Fat #365shots
My dinner before "The Social Network" : Baby Fat Burger, the one on the right.
Seriously didn't think it would be *that* small. Was thinking more like Whopper Jr size.
Clearly I was wrong. That's it, no more Baby Fat Burger for me!
Day 251: Healthy Lunch #365shots
Trying to live a healthier lifestyle by having healthier lunch :)
Labels: 365shots, healthy lunch
Day 243: Baby Fat #365shots
My dinner before "The Social Network" : Baby Fat Burger, the one on the right. Seriously didn't think it would be *that* small.
Was thinking more like Whopper Jr size. Clearly I was wrong. That's it, no more Baby Fat Burger for me!
Labels: 365 shots, fat burger, food
Sunday, November 07, 2010
Day 239: Out Of Stock #misshairdrama #365shots
Thanks to yours truly, Finesse Volumizing Shampoo is now officially out of stock at Foodhall PIM. Mwahahahahaha!
Day 242: Highway #365shots
Sunset view.
Location: JORR, heading to Bintaro
Day 241: A Much Needed Short Break #355shots
Heard a work-related shocking news and needed a short break to get my mind off things.
Had a 1pm meeting, so decided to go somewhere near, Kopi Tiam at The East. Turns out Kaya Toast, Half-boiled eggs, and a good friend can really help lighten the burden :) Thanks for coming to the aid, @aurellio!
Labels: 365shots, kopi tiam, work sucks
Day 240: Affection Knows No Boundaries #365shots
This is Simpirre, my Kenyan assistant, with one of the kids living in the orphanage we visited that day.
She said that she was sad seeing all those kids, and she's planning to go back there again :) see, affection does know no boundaries.
Day 239: Out Of Stock #misshairdrama #365shots
Thanks to yours truly, Finesse Volumizing Shampoo is now officially out of stock at Foodhall PIM. Mwahahahahaha!
Day 238: Meeting Necessities #365shots
Breakfast meeting at Loewy. Got all the things I need right here!
Monday, November 01, 2010
Day 237: Awesomeness, brought to you by Photojojo. #365shots
Finally the photojojo cell phone lenses are here! This pic was taken with the fish eye lens, love love love it!
In the pic, participants of #photojojoTU : @asil @LeonnieFM @Silverlinesphotojojo
Labels: 365shots, awesomeness, fish eye, photojojo
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