Saturday, June 19, 2010
Day 101: The Amazing Dewi Sandra #365shots
Day 100: All About Steve #365shots

June 16, 2010
I blame Harvey Nichols for their insane discount on Steve Madden shoes!
PS: Pic taken with my new 50mm lens. f/1.8. totally lovin' it!
Day 97: Jump! #365shots
Day 96: Til Death Do Us Part #365shots

June 12, 2010
Felice & Theja's holy matrimony at Alila Uluwatu.
Thank you dears, for letting me be a part of this
may you two live happily ever after :)
Day 90: Fierce Is My Middle Name #365shots
Day 89a,b,c,d: 15 On The Baseball Field
June 5, 2010
My little brother's 15th birthday, celebrated on the baseball field after one of his games
Day 87: Jumpa Fans #365shots

June 3, 2010
Congratulations Umbu, for finally taking a pic with your idol!
Day 85: Black, White, and Yellow #365shots
Day 84: Voucher Hunters #365shots

May 31, 2010
What people would do for shopping vouchers.
Dont get me wrong, I'm one of those people!
Day 82: What It Feels Like For A Rock Star #365shots

May 29, 2010
Backstage at Pond's Teens Concert
a glimpse of what it feels like to have thousands of people screaming your name. Awesomeness.
Day 81: Ready To Take On The World #365shots
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